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This venture has a double edge to it. On the one hand through designing and making my own bead necklaces I would like to bring 'plein du soleil' the message of cosmic abundance in the enjoyment of one's inner creativity through a day's work or a special venture. On the other hand my creative designs help me understand entrepreneurship and better my people and business skills at a self regulated pace. Among the many things I hope to learn is the art and philosophy of understanding design and using color to enhance design and pattern as well as the value of the material used to make them. I believe color whether it be for an inanimate object or an animate being is a gift to enhance configuration and physique as well as opportunity and erudition through knowledge and practicum. Beauty comes in many ways. It may be innate, bought and worn as a commodity or ornament and/ or earned by the soul. I truly believe that beauty is beheld in many ways and its equity though covert at times is universal.

After a year Pleindusoleil will make contributions  of 2% AND 3% of the proceeds from the sales to AND st. jude’s hospital respectively.

And after more than seven years Pleindusoleil has chosen to continue her description of her work in the words of biblical text- 'MAN WAS NOT MADE FOR SABBATH BUT SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN.' as in - "The righteousness of God is for the abundance and life of men and not merely the abundance of man.”


Susan Kollemparampil Kuruvilla.

                       At  PLEINDUSOLEIL the handmade bead necklaces. 

    illustrate the significance of the bead as a tool or lens through which the message of inclusiveness can be shared. Inclusiveness is key to the wellbeing of an individual, a family and a community. Inclusiveness is depicted as fusion of different metals and colors in the same piece as well as a skip or repeat in the design sequence.[different colors, sizes, materials, symmetry, price of the beads and the findings in the same handmade piece.] The idea is to make a beaded necklace delectable to the eye and good to use with the message of inclusiveness and plein du soleil [enjoyment of one's cosmic abundance].

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